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42 Days

42 Days. 42 days of ads and pundits and predictions and more ads. There will be debates and drama and derision. 42 more days until the election.  I am a bit weary of it all. I don’t want to divide people into rival factions. I don’t want to demean the other. I don’t want to … Continued

“Jonah’s Song,” by Mark Heard

Originally from Macon, Georgia, John Mark Heard (1951-1992) wrote songs that were “at once visceral and philosophical to a degree uncommon in contemporary music,” and he had the ability to “consistently integrate the sacred and the profane, the spiritual and the humane, [and provide] nourishment in a way so few others ever have.”  While he … Continued

A Call for a Holy Pause

Dennis Proffitt and Drake Baer have recently released a new work entitled, Perception: How Our Bodies Shape Our Minds. Their research and findings reveal that what we perceive in any given moment is not only determined by sensory input, but by our personal physical abilities, energy levels, feelings, social identities, and more. Our physical bodies and our … Continued

Remember the Kindness Campaign?

In January, we began a year-long focus on Kindness as a spiritual practice. As part of this year of kindness, founding member, Caralie Brown, agreed to write a blog on kindness in the workplace. We originally imagined this post would go live in April; but in April, many of us were transitioning our workplaces into … Continued

Step by Step

So one day last week, I walked over 17,000 steps. It was just a regular Tuesday – no family outing, no big long nature walks, no new exercise initiative. I put one foot in front of the other for over 7 miles, and I never left my neighborhood. All of that distance traveled just to … Continued

Bearing Witness

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how the earth bears witness to all of life. Moments and times that have been long forgotten leave a trace even if it is embedded deep within the soil.  In this picture, I think of the Native Americans who for centuries stood upon these ancient rocks and fished. … Continued

Bonus Compassion Challenge

I have been listening to Hamilton on repeat. It’s certainly my “Sound of Summer 2020”. Just in case you don’t know. . . Hamilton, the musical, is based on the life of Alexander Hamilton (guy on the $10 bill) and is set in a revolutionary time of our country’s history. Thank you Disney +.   Recently, for a family … Continued

Worship Notes, 8.16.2020

“Suite No. 2 in D Major” (HV 341), by George Frideric Handel, 1733 This suite for trumpet and keyboard accompaniment consists of five short movements composed for baroque dance.  The movements might be imagined as bringing us through the jubilee cycle referenced in Leviticus 25.  Movement 1, “Overture,” has a steady, bouncy feel that can be likened … Continued