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Where is the Blue Triangle?

On Friday I went to the woods to walk and pray. I was a little nervous. First, anytime you seek to engage with the God who created the universe there is a bit of fear and trembling to be had. Secondly, my navigational skills have been sliding in recent years. There have been many wrong … Continued

What are you made of?

In my devotions this week, I opened my heart and thoughts to this piece. It has been playing over my spirit since I first read it. It expounds on the writings of Julian of Norwich, 14th century English mystic. Julian said that we are not merely made by God but are made “of God”. This … Continued

Better Together

Yesterday, I stood outside Crabtree Valley Church in the fog and humidity with members of the Welcome House Network “Dream Team”. We were there to welcome CBFNC Executive Director, Larry Hovis, and his cycling group at the finish line. Larry and his team started a 240-mile trek to Raleigh from the Blue Ridge Parkway. All … Continued

The Bright Field

What a beautiful day! Fall in North Carolina is simply the best time of the year. I hope that as you move through this week you take a moment to pause and notice the grace that is exploding in the spaces around you. The Holy Spirit is at work in these days; our job is … Continued

Tracing the Pattern

My friend, Mark Tidsworth (Pinnacle Leadership Associates), posted the following on Facebook last week: The chaos is an indicator deformation is now in full swing Cry, lament, curse, grieve…whatever we need to let Egypt go Making space in ourselves for creation and rebirth As God constantly works to make all things new, all things new … Continued

42 Days

42 Days. 42 days of ads and pundits and predictions and more ads. There will be debates and drama and derision. 42 more days until the election.  I am a bit weary of it all. I don’t want to divide people into rival factions. I don’t want to demean the other. I don’t want to … Continued

“Jonah’s Song,” by Mark Heard

Originally from Macon, Georgia, John Mark Heard (1951-1992) wrote songs that were “at once visceral and philosophical to a degree uncommon in contemporary music,” and he had the ability to “consistently integrate the sacred and the profane, the spiritual and the humane, [and provide] nourishment in a way so few others ever have.”  While he … Continued