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How Does a Weary World Rejoice?

By Chrissy Tatum Williamson How does a weary world rejoice?  It must have been early June when the staff began planning the 2023 Advent season. We shared some possible series themes with the Adult Christian Education Committee (now called the Adult Faith Formation Council) and prayed for wisdom in discerning which themes might speak to … Continued

Gift of Time: Parents’ Morning Out – December 9, 2023

On Saturday December 9 from 9am-12pm we will host “Gift of Time: Parents’ Morning Out”. Church volunteers along with some of our Weekday Preschool teachers will be here leading your children in crafts, games, music and more. Babies through pre-K must be affiliated with Greystone through either the church or preschool. Children in K-5th grade are … Continued

Gratitude for Creation: An Interfaith Devotional Gathering – November 19, 2023

Gratitude for Creation: An Interfaith Devotional Gathering Sunday, November 19, 2:00 pm at Greystone Baptist Church Co-sponsored by: Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle and Triangle Interfaith Alliance Join us for a gathering of people from many faiths who will celebrate gratitude for Creation with sacred readings, song, prayers, a dramatic reading, and reflections on Creation … Continued

Sexuality, Gender, & Faith: What and Why?

By Chrissy Tatum Williamson What:  Sexuality, Gender, and Faith is a seven-month series, crafted with the people of Greystone Baptist Church in mind. In broad strokes, it is a series of large group, lecture-style education forums  and small group conversations. With three sessions in the fall and four in the winter/spring, we will journey together … Continued

GBC Durham Bulls Night – August 13, 2023

GBC youth, children, and families are invited to join us at the ballpark for a Durham Bulls game on Sunday, August 13 at 5:00 pm! We will meet at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park. We have reserved a limited number of group tickets, so sign-up by Sunday, July 23 to reserve your spot! Tickets are $15 per person (checks … Continued