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Kids Mission Day

Our Mission Kids had a wonderful day Saturday as they visited the Family Life Center and community garden in Conetoe.  They met LaCount and Anna Anderson, our CBF field personnel (missionaries) who work in that area.  They learned about bees, visited a BIG garden, and actually helped in the greenhouse!  We also had lunch and a worship service. … Continued

Garden News – Sweet Potatoes

WOW!  WOW! WOW! Our kids harvested our sweet potatoes this week.  The yield was over 40 pounds!!!   Just when we thought we had them all, a kid would say, “I found another one!”  What fun it was to dig with our hands.  They brushed them off and bagged them up.  After curing, these will be … Continued

Garden News

Today we harvested our garden again.  We picked tomatoes, peppers, and the last of the green beans.  The first picture shows the boys pulling the last green beans off the plants.  The second picture shows our harvest, and the third picture shows them delivering the produce to North Raleigh Ministries.  They were happy to receive … Continued

Surprises in the Garden

Well, we have transition from spring to summer and are facing long, hot days.  Our objective now is to water, water, water!  We also placed netting over some of the vegetables to discourage deer from munching! We have moved the area for accepting compost to the other half of the compost bin.  Please bring your coffee … Continued

What’s Growing On?

The children’s Mission Garden had a bountiful spring harvest. There was lots of lettuce (including Romaine – which could probably have been sold for a premium) and kaboodles of kale delivered to North Raleigh Ministries. They appreciate fresh veggies – especially greens. The days are longer and the sun is hotter, so now we’ve moved … Continued


Lent is a time of reflection and preparation, a measured pause before the arrival of Easter.  It begins on Ash Wednesday and continues for forty days (excluding Sundays) ending in Easter. For centuries Christians have either given up or taken on something for Lent. These small daily sacrifices help believers turn their hearts to God … Continued

Come As You Are!

“Come as you are; it’s not just a dress code.” Greystone member Amber Sawyers shared these words with me during a recent conversation, and they have stuck with me. Now it should go without saying but I will say it anyway, I want you to join us for worship and never want what you wear … Continued

Greystone Continues to Pay It Forward!

As part of our 2014 Pay It Forward campaign, money was designated to help other churches start a Buddy Break program, which has been a growing ministry at Greystone since November 2012. Buddy Break is a free monthly respite program that ministers to families with children who have special needs (we call them our VIPs).  … Continued