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COVID-19 Updates

Updated on March 6, 2022 Worship at GreystoneWe are still offering in-person worship (also available via live stream) at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. Our Family Worship Space is open in the Fellowship Hall during worship (masks are required). Sunday School for March Adults – Most of our Adult Bible Study classes will be returning to … Continued

Home is Mom’s Chicken Soup

I was totally spoiled in the food department as a child. My mom is probably the best cook I know. She can make something delicious from just about any combination of random pantry ingredients. My friends always wanted to come to our house and the action always happened around the kitchen island because they all … Continued

A Home For All

By Anna Beth Cross What does it mean to be home? During this time of year, we hear a lot of phrases such as “home is where your heart is,” especially if you watch as many Christmas Hallmark movies or Rom-Coms like I do.  The idea of home leaves us with questions…where is home? Who … Continued

Waiting Close to Home

As I write this, I’m sitting with Chrissy in Rex Women’s Hospital as we await the birth of our son, Thayer, who’s coming a little earlier than we had expected.  Due to some minor complications at Chrissy’s doctor appointment yesterday, the decision was made to induce labor early for the health of both mom and … Continued