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Garden Blog – Update October 2021

By Karen Brewer Fall is finally here. That means it’s time to dig sweet potatoes. The children in Sunday School learned about how Jesus fed a large crowd with only few fish and some bread.  Then they learned how they can help feed our neighbors with sweet potatoes. Yea, they got their hands dirty, but … Continued

Garden Blog – Update August 2021

By Karen Brewer As summer winds down, this writer/gardener takes time to reflect on this year’s mission garden including its successes and failures. Among the successes, we were able to harvest and donate a lot of lettuce, broccoli, and cucumbers from our early plantings.  Also, we harvested and donated quite a few green beans and … Continued

Garden Blog – Update July 2021

Update from Marcia Ostendorff: Pollinators, carpenter bees, and bumble bees, are helping out in the Greystone Gardens. The rabbits and deer are just helping themselves!!Good-bye green tomatoes and sweet potato vines. They left enough of the plants to keep going and give a little hope for more veggies later. The beans are blooming and, so … Continued

GBC Update on Masks and COVID Protocols

Following the Governor’s May 14th announcement easing restrictions on mask wearing, social distancing, and capacity limits for indoors, in-person gatherings, the COVID Think Tank, staff, and deacons have been considering best steps for Greystone as we continue to slowly ease back in to in-person and indoor activities on our campus. Since March of 2020, we … Continued

Why Global Weirding Matters

Meet Dr. Katherine Hayhoe “Climate change is a human issue and affects everything that we care about,” says Dr. Hayhoe, theological evangelical Christian, Endowed Professor in Public Policy and Public Law in the Public Administration program of the Department of Political Science at Texas Tech University, and chief scientist at the Nature Conservancy.  Her faith is central … Continued

Seeking Cicada’s

Cicadas are all the “buzz” these days.  You can hardly turn on the news or pick up a newspaper, magazine, or check out social media without being reminded that the cicadas are coming! The invasion will soon be upon us. At least, some of us. In central and eastern North Carolina, we usually hear the … Continued

The Importance of Trees

When my Utah grandson visited Raleigh a couple of years ago, he sat quietly in the back seat of the car looking all around as we drove away from the airport. We had gone a few miles down the road when, with amazement in his voice, he called out to me, ”Oma, it’s so green here. … Continued

Bradford Pears, Stinky Fish, and Butterflies

Do you currently have a tree in your yard or neighborhood producing scores of lovely white blossoms along with the unmistakable fragrance of rotting fish?  I am guessing you are the “lucky” owner of a Bradford pear tree. Loved by landscapers for many years, this invasive tree has become fairly common in North Carolina. Introduced … Continued

Oh, deer!

“All creatures of our God and King,  Lift up your voice and with us sing,  Alleluyah!”  “All Creatures of Our God and King” is an English Christian hymn by William Henry Draper, based on a poem by St. Francis of Assisi A few years ago, during a sunny and quiet teacher workday early in June, several instructors were … Continued

Environmental Action and Advocacy in North Carolina

You can’t save the world all by yourself.  Baptists have learned to work with other churches to combine our resources and minister to our communities and to others around the world more effectively. The same strategy must be applied to the sacred work of taking care of creation. As we approach the end of Earth … Continued