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Blooming in Lent

At the beginning of Advent, I planted bulbs, two handfuls of paperwhites and few amaryllis. I have been doing this every year for over 25 years. I like watching them take root and delight as they send out tentative leaves testing the air of Advent. All of this in preparation for the big show of … Continued

Garden Blog – Update February 2020

Through the long days of winter, we are continuing to harvest our collard greens, but spring is coming!  Our Mission Kids plants our lettuce this week.  We planted two kinds of lettuce in special seed starting tray, and then placed the tray under our grow light.  We will anxiously wait and wait for the seeds … Continued

Double Tapping for Kindness in a Digital World

Julie Hardison Green is a member of Greystone Baptist Church and has been since she ran in the doors at the age of three. She’s active on the Children’s & Preschool Committee, the Stewardship Committee, teaches the Young Adult Sunday School class and is active in conversations about guiding the church’s social media presence. Greystone … Continued

Kindness with Ourselves

by: Chris Austin Be kind to the writer! Here at the end of the “holiday season”, to have first crack at some words of wisdom about kindness as Greystone reflects on this topic for 2020? Please! And about being kind to ourselves? It’s hard enough being kind to others, but to ourselves too. Please! Here … Continued

Back to School: Letting Go & Savoring the Now

Back to School time brings on all the mom feelings. I’m thankful for the return to a predictable routine, but sad to let go of freedom of summer. I am glad to have a few moments of quiet, yet I will miss my kids and the noise they create when they’re gone. It’s not their … Continued

Baseball: Sabbatical Reflection #2

So, if you followed any of my social media while I was on sabbatical, you are very aware that I spent a lot of time at baseball fields. There was 12-year-old baseball, college baseball, minor league baseball and even a major league game thrown in there. There are two quotes that come to mind when … Continued

Lines: Sabbatical Reflection #1

There are lines EVERYWHERE. Have you ever stopped and noticed all the lines we bump into, cross over, build, ignore, celebrate, long for, need? For the past five weeks I have been super aware of lines. My sabbatical adventure had me on the highways and byways. I covered over 1500 miles from Georgia to Virginia. … Continued

Calling: Before and After

I find “calling” to be one of the most familiar words in Christian-speak.  I also find it to be one of the most difficult concepts to understand. It seems that followers of Christ find peace and comfort in using the word “called” to narrate any life decisions.  For example, when I was in high school, … Continued

Sharing the Good News

As people changed and shaped by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we are commissioned (a fancy word for sent) to go and share that “Good News” with our neighbors, our community and the world. But who’s to say what’s truly good?

Breakfast on the Beach

What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Bacon and eggs? Avocado toast? Cereal? Whatever it was, I bet it wasn’t fish cooked over a campfire. One of my favorite stories in scripture is that of the disciples having a breakfast of fish on the beach with the risen Christ. It’s a story full of … Continued