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As We (Re)Gather

The month of June marks one year since we resumed our weekly, in-person worshipservices. In many ways it feels like much longer than that yet, in many ways it is hard tobelieve twelve months have passed since staff and lay leaders sat down to recordworship elements with our smartphones and digital cameras. Even though the … Continued

Spirit of Justice-Juneteenth, 6/19/22

By Joanne Thompson It was on or near the anniversary of the murder of George Floyd that I first heard the word Juneteenth. As I read more and more about Juneteenth from media sources, I realized that this African American holiday has been celebrated for over 150 years! I was 71 years old, yet I … Continued

Ministry Impact Report: Jan-Mar 2022

A Note from Pastor Chrissy Sometimes we can get bogged down in the daily challenges we face as individuals and as a congregation. Everything feels different now, and because of that it can be difficult to see the good things that are happening in our church. As the first quarter came to an end, we … Continued

An Expansive Life

By Anna Beth Cross Luke 24:1-12 Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen Indeed! Here we are, at the end of the 40(ish) days of Lent, singing “Alleluias” and giving shouts of praise to God! We made it, the waiting is over–what a refreshing, life-giving feeling!  This season of Lent was a challenging one…the first “semi-normal” … Continued

The Stones Would Shout Out

By Annie Hardison-Moody Luke 19:28-40 On Palm Sunday, does anyone else immediately think of the Jesus Christ Superstar song, “Hosanna”? I’m a lifelong musical nerd, and this show was one of the first that I listened to (over and over and over again, according to my family). I loved the latest NBC version with John … Continued

Brazen Acts of Beauty

By Kim Eshleman In John 12:1-8, Jesus visits the home of his friend, Lazarus, in Bethany on his way to Jerusalem just a few days before the Passover. His other friends, Martha and Mary, are also there. Just prior to this visit, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, further establishing himself as a threat in … Continued

Prodigal Grace

By Justin Williamson Luke 15:11-32 “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me like one of your hired hands.”’ So he set off and went to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; … Continued