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Fall Men’s Breakfast

The weather is breaking,  it’s fall, it’s time to meet and catch-up on everything, everyone has been up to. Won’t you join us for breakfast Saturday morning, October 19th at 8:00 for a Fall Men’s Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall?  We will socialize with juice and coffee starting at 8:00 and then sit down about … Continued

Sweet Potato Time!

Our Mission Kids dug sweet potatoes from two of our garden beds recently. While the harvest was not as great as last year due to hot and dry weather, we still have a nice donation for North Raleigh Ministries. The children enjoyed finding surprises as they dug! Watch in the coming months as our garden … Continued

Heritage/Anniversary Sunday

Heritage/Anniversary Sunday – We are excited to celebrate Greystone’s 35th Anniversary on Sunday, September 8. We will worship together that Sunday in one worship service followed by lunch. Please mark this date on your calendar and take note of the special schedule for this day of celebration.  9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Joint Worship Anniversary Lunch following worship  Join us in the Fellowship Hall … Continued

Baseball: Sabbatical Reflection #2

So, if you followed any of my social media while I was on sabbatical, you are very aware that I spent a lot of time at baseball fields. There was 12-year-old baseball, college baseball, minor league baseball and even a major league game thrown in there. There are two quotes that come to mind when … Continued

Lines: Sabbatical Reflection #1

There are lines EVERYWHERE. Have you ever stopped and noticed all the lines we bump into, cross over, build, ignore, celebrate, long for, need? For the past five weeks I have been super aware of lines. My sabbatical adventure had me on the highways and byways. I covered over 1500 miles from Georgia to Virginia. … Continued

Called Church Conference – 6/23

All GBC Members are invited and encouraged to attend a called Church Conference on Sunday, June 23, immediately following the 11:00 am worship service. The purpose of the meeting is to vote on the following interim search committees, recommended by the deacons. Interim Minister for Students Search Committee: Aaron Ng (Youth) April Walker Eddy Ng … Continued

Calling: Before and After

I find “calling” to be one of the most familiar words in Christian-speak.  I also find it to be one of the most difficult concepts to understand. It seems that followers of Christ find peace and comfort in using the word “called” to narrate any life decisions.  For example, when I was in high school, … Continued

2019 Arch McFadyen Memorial Scholarship

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Corinthians 7:7 This annual scholarship is set up to recognize a Greystone Baptist Church member who shares the same commitments as Arch did to his education, family, God, church, and his community. It will … Continued

Sharing the Good News

As people changed and shaped by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we are commissioned (a fancy word for sent) to go and share that “Good News” with our neighbors, our community and the world. But who’s to say what’s truly good?

2019 Deacon Nomination Process

The Greystone Deacon Election Process Annually, in accordance with the Bylaws of our Church Constitution, church members elect six members of the congregation to serve as Deacons for a three-year term. Adult men and women (18 years or older) may be nominated by the membership, provided the nominees have agreed to have their name put … Continued