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COVID-19 Updates

Updated on March 6, 2022 Worship at GreystoneWe are still offering in-person worship (also available via live stream) at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. Our Family Worship Space is open in the Fellowship Hall during worship (masks are required). Sunday School for March Adults – Most of our Adult Bible Study classes will be returning to … Continued

Stories & Songs – December 26, 2021

On Sunday, December 26, we will gather for worship at 9:30 am in the sanctuary for “Stories & Songs.” Dress comfortably and come celebrate Christmas with us as we sing songs and share stories together. There will not be Sunday School after the service.

Waiting Close to Home

As I write this, I’m sitting with Chrissy in Rex Women’s Hospital as we await the birth of our son, Thayer, who’s coming a little earlier than we had expected.  Due to some minor complications at Chrissy’s doctor appointment yesterday, the decision was made to induce labor early for the health of both mom and … Continued

Garden Blog – Update October 2021

By Karen Brewer Fall is finally here. That means it’s time to dig sweet potatoes. The children in Sunday School learned about how Jesus fed a large crowd with only few fish and some bread.  Then they learned how they can help feed our neighbors with sweet potatoes. Yea, they got their hands dirty, but … Continued

Garden Blog – Update August 2021

By Karen Brewer As summer winds down, this writer/gardener takes time to reflect on this year’s mission garden including its successes and failures. Among the successes, we were able to harvest and donate a lot of lettuce, broccoli, and cucumbers from our early plantings.  Also, we harvested and donated quite a few green beans and … Continued

Garden Blog – Update July 2021

Update from Marcia Ostendorff: Pollinators, carpenter bees, and bumble bees, are helping out in the Greystone Gardens. The rabbits and deer are just helping themselves!!Good-bye green tomatoes and sweet potato vines. They left enough of the plants to keep going and give a little hope for more veggies later. The beans are blooming and, so … Continued

GBC Update on Masks and COVID Protocols

Following the Governor’s May 14th announcement easing restrictions on mask wearing, social distancing, and capacity limits for indoors, in-person gatherings, the COVID Think Tank, staff, and deacons have been considering best steps for Greystone as we continue to slowly ease back in to in-person and indoor activities on our campus. Since March of 2020, we … Continued