A Greystone Christmas presents What Sweeter Music – Video
Sunday Advent Worship November 29th, December 6, 13 & 20 — 8:45 & 11:00 AM “What Sweeter Music” December 13 — 6:00 PM Featuring the Music Ministries – including Adult Ensembles, Children’s Choir, Handbells and other instrumentalists, with narrators *Childcare provided Celebrating Advent Together December 2 & 9 — 6:30 PM Come celebrate Advent! On … Continued
Growing in Gratitude is Greystone’s 2016 Stewardship Campaign. If you did not receive a letter from the Stewardship Team, please click here to learn more about Growing in Gratitude. Below is the online Pledge Form you can fill out to make your pledge for 2016 which will be sent to the financial secretary. If you … Continued
Wednesday, Oct. 7, 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary Make plans to be here on this special night of music as the Chowan Singers of Chowan University are in concert. Chowan Singers, the university’s touring choir. Chowan Singers travels throughout the Mid-Atlantic Region presenting concerts in churches and schools. Every three years, members of Chowan Singers … Continued
School is starting back again. For some moms this is a bittersweet moment full of apprehension and faith. For other moms this is a day to party! Kids are out of the house and finally there is time and space and sweet freedom. Personally, I am a mom to a year round student. My kid … Continued
Have you ever moved to a new town? Can you remember the newness of it? You might have asked yourself questions like: Where is the grocery store? How do I find a pediatrician? Where is the best pizza? This doesn’t even get into the paperwork, documentation, and angst over registering for a new school that … Continued
The youth group made the relatively short trek home to Raleigh from Greenville, SC on Friday morning, June 26. They had an incredibly fulfilling week, completing more projects than they anticipated along with the help of a few other youth groups who had joined them in the Nicholtown neighborhood of Greenville. Some students helped install a … Continued
The Youth Group of Greystone Baptist Church is in Greenville, SC this week, joining with several other churches for a mission trip with the Nicholtown neighborhood. Most of the students are working with the Phyllis Wheatley Community Center in Greenville, where projects include painting, electrical work, and light construction. The Phyllis Wheatley Community Center was … Continued
The lazy days of summer are here, but in between the beach trips, pool days and summer camps there are a number of opportunities to stay connected with the Greystone community this summer. All Ages Sunday School (9:45am) and Worship (8:45am & 11am) will continue throughout the summer Joint Worship Service (11am) – Sunday, July … Continued
And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ Matthew 25:40 (NKJV) It was these words of Jesus that members of Greystone Baptist heeded on Saturday as they assembled for the … Continued