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Church Closed: 1/8/2017

Due to inclement weather the church will be closed on Sunday 1/8/2017. All services and activities are cancelled. Please continue to check WRAL, or the church website at for further updates.

Christmas Music At Greystone: Sing Noel!

Sunday, December 11, 6:00 Pm This evening of music and celebration will feature the Music Ministries of GBC including narrations and instrumentalists. We hope that you and your family will make plans to join us on this night. Child care will be available.

Christmas at Greystone

Wednesday Night Live On December 7 we will be continuing two different sessions for adults: Advent Bible Study: The focus of our study is Jesus’ family tree. Looking at the genealogy of Matthew we will look at some of the characters found there and discuss their significance and place in the unfolding story of God’s … Continued

CBF Children’s Missions Day

All 1st – 5th graders are invited to attend CBF Children’s Missions Day on Saturday, 11/12/16. Zebulon Baptist Church will serve as our host once again this year. Missions Day is a fun way to learn about and be involved in missions in fun and creative ways. We will leave the church at 8:45 AM … Continued

Trunk or Treat

10/26/16 Join us for our annual Trunk or Treat festivities. This event is open to our community, so please invite friend You can help by hosting a trunk, running a game station or being part of the hospitality team. To help with this event, sign up in Sunday School, in the hallway by the sanctuary, … Continued

Senior Adult Sponsored Trip

For all adults at Greystone and their friends, the next Senior-Adult-Sponsored day trip will be to the Old Salem Museum and Gardens in Winston-Salem, NC, on Saturday, 10/22/16. Known as one of America’s most complete historical attractions, what started as a Moravian village over 250 years ago, includes a lot to see. This particular day … Continued

Read and Feed – Wednesday Dinners

Read and Feed partners with local schools to identify children who need reading help. Using modified RV’s, volunteers go to these children’s neighborhoods in mobile classrooms once a week. Children are fed dinner and work with tutors for an hour in the early evening. We will work with the mobile classroom that serves children from … Continued

Youth Fall Beach Retreat – October 7-9

Join approximately 300 students from across the state of North Carolina for the CBF NC Fall Youth Beach Retreat. The theme of the retreat is Beloved Community based on Philippians 2:1-4. The cost of the retreat is $120.00 and an early bird discount is available if paperwork and money are turned in by September 12, … Continued

Greystone Dinner Club

Greystone is growing! Perhaps you have noticed a few new faces on Sunday morning. Perhaps you are someone who is new to Greystone, and you see a lot of unnamed, albeit friendly, faces on Sundays. During September, different church members will be hosting dinner parties in their homes. The aim is to make some introductions … Continued

Wednesday Night Dinners at Greystone

Reservations are essential: Our Wednesday evening fellowship meal will begin again on September 7. This year we will be using different restaurants and caterers to bring in some very tasty dishes. The caterers will need a firm plate count so we need your reservations. We will accept reservations until noon on Mondays. You can reserve … Continued