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Celebrate Earth Day 2021

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Psalm 8:1 Outdoor activities: Plan a scavenger hunt to do on your own or with friends and family. Take a hike/walk in a local park, stay close to home in your yard, or explore your neighborhood. Give each person a list of objects … Continued

Get Your Hands Dirty For Jesus

Want to get involved in gardening, but have very little time and space for planting? Herbs like mint, lemon balm, basil, thyme, and vegetables like tomatoes and lettuce, can all thrive in large flower pots on your porch, patio, or steps. Grape vines will climb your deck railing in a sunny corner. Figs are small, … Continued

“O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” – Holy Saturday Reflection

The origins of the hymn “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” are debated, but many believe that the author of the original text from which the hymn is derived was Burgundian abbot and doctor Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153).  His long poem, Salve mundi salutare (“Hail, Savior of the World”), consists of seven cantos (subsections), each one … Continued

“Via Dolorosa” – Good Friday Reflection

“Via Dolorosa” is translated from the Latin as “The Way of Suffering” and refers to the path that Jesus took from where and when he was sentenced to death, making his way through the streets of Jerusalem to the crucifixion site on Golgotha outside the city.  On Good Friday, Christians around the world remember the … Continued

“There Is a Fountain” – Maundy Thursday Reflection

Maundy Thursday is the day in Holy Week, leading up to the Christian celebration of Easter, when we stop to reflect on the sacrifice of Christ’s love and remember his command to “Love one another as I have loved you.”  We commemorate the Passover feast that Jesus celebrated with his disciples in the Upper Room, … Continued

Go and Rest: A Lenten Invitation

“Chrissy, give me your phone. Leave your watch on the table and your laptop on your desk. You are going upstairs. I don’t care what you do, take a nap, read a book, doesn’t matter to me… but you need to take a break.”  These are perhaps the most firm and most loving words Justin … Continued

Prayer Surprised Me

At the beginning of Lent, I shared with you that I was going to craft my way through Lent as a form of self-care. For me, crafting is about far more than the actual act of making something with my hands. It is a way for me to clear my mind of the clutter and … Continued

This Is the End

In the fall of 2018 while studying at the Wake Forest University School of Divinity, I took a Christian Theology class for which the final project was to artistically express my own personal theology. Of course, I decided to write a song, which I ended up calling “This Is the End.” I would eventually play this song … Continued

Lenten Post by Christian, “A Closer Walk…”

It’s always a little mind-boggling to me to think about how we experience time differently based on our point of reference.  In reflecting upon the past year, it seems like time has slowed to a crawl, but still, so much has happened.  Just over one year ago, I was leading Ash Wednesday services at the … Continued