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Advent at Greystone

We hope that you will join us in our celebration of Jesus’ birth which offers light to a weary world caught up in darkness. Greystone has many seasonal traditions that our community has grown to love and expect each year. This year those events may look a little different due to Covid-19, but we are … Continued

In Light & Darkness

In preparing for our Advent theme, In Light & Darkness, I’ve been spending a lot of time considering the ways in which many of us often perceive our lived experience in terms of dualities.  As far back as opening words to Genesis 1, people of our Judeo-Christian faith have been concerned with the separateness of … Continued

Welcome to the Start of Spring!

Welcome to the start of spring! No, I haven’t completely lost my mind or my calendar. It’s just that I realized now is the time for tulips. Now is the time to put the bulbs in the ground. You see those first harbingers of new life and sunny days need to spend some time in … Continued

“Secular” Music as Worship

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being…” (Jn 1:1-3, NRSV).  The logos, the Word of God, can be thought of as the primordial sounding, … Continued

The Stockdale Paradox meets Thanksgiving 2020

Admiral James Stockdale was held for seven years in a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp. He survived unspeakable brutality and lived all of those years not knowing if or when he might be killed. When interviewed by Jim Collins in Good to Great, Stockdale shared the key to his survival: I never doubted not only that I … Continued

Consider the Lilies

On Monday a group of moms in North Raleigh sent their children to school for the first time in 8 months. These women and countless other parents faced the morning bus stop with a load of anxiety: a very real disease on the loose, regular first day of school jitters, their children’s development in a … Continued

“Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”

It might seem that in 2020, there hasn’t been much to be collectively joyful about. With the COVID-19 pandemic and the election cycle actively driving our communities apart both physically and socially, it has been easy to fall prey to feelings of anxiety and loneliness. However, our isolation has also forced us to adapt, and it has … Continued

Sweet Gums

This week’s reflection is written by Greystone member, Marcia Ostendorff. Marcia is a newly retired science teacher and a passionate follower of Jesus. Marcia spends a good portion of every day out and about in the goodness of God’s creation. Enjoy her photographs, and join her in wonder. I have a love/hate relationship with the … Continued