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Lent 2025: Everything in Between

Throughout this Lenten season, we will travel throughout the Gospel of Luke with our series, Everything [in] Between. We’ll look at several familiar stories, such as the Good Samaritan, Mary and Martha, the fruitless fig tree, the Lost Sheep, Zaccheus, and more. This series is an invitation to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, … Continued

Words for the Beginning

By Chrissy Tatum Williamson Words for the Beginning. Beginnings are exciting, they fly on the wings of vulnerable hopes; and they are tethered by risk of not becoming reality. Advent is a season of beginnings. These are characterized by hope and fear, reward and risk, preparation and whimsy, and the reality that before anything can … Continued

Faith Formation Small Groups

Throughout the next ministry year, we will offer small groups again as part of our Faith Formation opportunities. Much like last year, the small groups will pair with once-a-month Faith Forums which will focus on various topics throughout the year. Campbell professor and New Testament Scholar, Dr. Jennifer Garcia Bashaw will be here this fall to … Continued

Faith After Doubt Book Study – July 2024

During July, Pastor Chrissy will lead us in a book study on Faith After Doubt by Brian D. McLaren, as our faith formation opportunity for the summer. All are invited to attend the two gatherings on Sunday, July 7 and Sunday, July 21 at 4:00 pm in the Gathering Room. You can purchase the book locally at Quail Ridge … Continued

Singing Black Spirituals in a White Church: Honoring Diversity as We Sing into the Unity of the Kin-dom of God

By Christian McIvor We look forward to seeing you in Sunday morning worship on April 7 for this year’s Easter cantata!  The full title of the work, which was composed by Joseph Martin, is A Journey to Hope (A Cantata Inspired by Spirituals).  Throughout the cantata, Martin weaves together original material with lyrics and musical … Continued