Pies & Budget Church Conference – November 20, 2024
Church members are invited to bring a pie to share to our next Church Conference on Wednesday, November 20 at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Church members are invited to bring a pie to share to our next Church Conference on Wednesday, November 20 at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Fall Faith Forum Series: Next Gathering on November 13 Our fall Faith Formation series concludes on Wednesday, November 13. Campbell professor and New Testament Scholar, Dr. Jennifer Garcia Bashaw will be here to lead our three month series called “From Veggie Tales to the Real World” which will explore Bible stories we read as children and help us … Continued
This year we will have our youth fall retreat Friday, November 8-Sunday, November 10. We are headed to Chestnut Ridge Camp & Retreat Center in Efland, NC, where we will participate in small groups, outdoor activities (think high ropes, ziplining, hiking, gaga ball, etc.), and much more. Friends are welcome to join us (6th-12th graders). We are excited to introduce a new … Continued
Join us for Greystone Baptist Church’s 4th Annual ACTION Fair: Arts and Crafts To Impact Others’ Needs! This indoor fair will include vendor booths, food, bake sales, and craft tables. Some of the items sold at the vendor booths include wood-turnings, hand-painted ornaments, jewelry, paintings, soaps, and more! The ACTION Fair will benefit our mission … Continued
Join us for Trunk-or-Treat on Sunday, October 27 from 4:30-6:30 pm! It will be a fun evening filled with costumes, candy, games, food, fellowship, and more. Trunk-or-Treat will be located in our parking lot off of Leadmine Road, but we encourage you to park in the opposite lot off of Sawmill Road. Volunteer Information & … Continued
Fall Faith Forum Series: Next Gathering on October 9 Our fall Faith Formation series continues on Wednesday, October 9. Campbell professor and New Testament Scholar, Dr. Jennifer Garcia Bashaw will be here to lead our three month series called “From Veggie Tales to the Real World” which will explore Bible stories we read as children and help us … Continued
Fall Faith Forum Series Begins September 11 Our fall Faith Formation series begins on Wednesday, September 11, and will continue on the 2nd Wednesday of October and November. Campbell professor and New Testament Scholar, Dr. Jennifer Garcia Bashaw will be here this fall to lead our three month series called “From Veggie Tales to the Real World” … Continued
Rise Against Hunger, an international humanitarian organization, is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives, and responding to emergencies. Through a global network based in the U.S. and with six international offices, the organization provides immediate nourishment for those facing hunger today and implements sustainable solutions that will lift entire communities … Continued
Throughout the next ministry year, we will offer small groups again as part of our Faith Formation opportunities. Much like last year, the small groups will pair with once-a-month Faith Forums which will focus on various topics throughout the year. Campbell professor and New Testament Scholar, Dr. Jennifer Garcia Bashaw will be here this fall to … Continued