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Holy Week at Greystone

Maundy Thursday Dinner and Communion There are no Wednesday Night Live activities this week, but we invite you to join us this Thursday, April 18 for dinner and communion as we celebrate and remember Maundy Thursday. For dinner we will offer homemade lasagna. Make a reservation by tomorrow (4/15) before noon. Adults are only $5! … Continued

BWIM of NC presents The Church Award to Greystone

Each year, BWIM NC recognizes the contributions of individuals and churches to the cause of women in ministry with two awards. Determined by the Leadership Board, the awards are The Anne Thomas Neil Award and The Church Award.  The Church Award is given to congregations who are exemplary in supporting and encouraging the cause of women in ministry. The symbol … Continued

13th Annual Arch McFadyen Scholarship Benefit

Friday – May 3rd, 2019 – Greystone Baptist Church Dinner: 6:00 pm Music and Dancing: 7:00 – 9:00 pm Entertainment for Everyone!!! The highlight of the evening will include the beach music sounds of The Martin Davis Band featuring Jackie Gore, original member of the Embers and author of “I Love Beach Music.” The Arch … Continued

Mission Garden Update

On Saturday, March 2, our Missions Kids planted our spring garden.  What fun we had!  We planted lettuce (2 kinds) and curly kale.  Our tiny hands tenderly dug holes and gently planted young lettuce plants and kale plants. Each plant then got a drink of water.  We also helped Mrs. Brewer plant beets.  She had … Continued

Mission Garden 2019

Our spring  mission garden is off to a great start!  In January we planted two kinds of lettuce seeds:  Black Seeded Simpson and Giant Caesar. The kids each carefully planted their seeds in the little peat pellets.  Then Miss Karen took them home to put under her grow light.  Our seeds germinated in three days! … Continued

Lumberton Rebuild

13 people from Greystone Baptist Church worked in Lumberton on January 10-12 rebuilding houses. Two of the houses had not heat while two other houses were heated. We tore out sub-flooring and replaced sub-flooring, hung insulation, laid lauan sheeting over the sub-flooring, replaced baseboards, set 2 bathroom vanities and attached kitchen cabinets.  

30 Days of Prayer Part 2- Welcoming Pastor Chrissy

As we continue to prepare to welcome Pastor Chrissy Tatum Williamson and her family to Greystone, we ask that you enter into a season of 30 days of prayer with us.  Please also help us welcome Pastor Chrissy, Justin, and Mia with an old-fashioned “pounding,” where we stock their kitchen with cooking supplies!  The link … Continued

30 Days of Prayer – Welcoming Pastor Chrissy

As we prepare to welcome Pastor Chrissy Tatum Williamson and her family to Greystone, we ask that you enter into a season of 30 days of prayer with us.  We will pray together for Pastor Chrissy, her family, and for Greystone from December 15th until her first Sunday preaching, January 13th, in order to prepare … Continued