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Even in the Desert

By Jill Pike Wilderness. The word conjures up all sorts of images of isolation, emptiness, and vulnerability. One definition of wilderness is “an inhospitable and desolate region of fear and discomfort.” Yet, there is another definition which describes the term in a spiritual sense. When we are in a spiritual wilderness, it is a period … Continued

Spirit of Justice: Women’s History Month

By Bob Millikan We are celebrating women’s history this month by highlighting the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. Women’s History Month is celebrated during March in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, corresponding with International Women’s Day on March 8. Susan B. Anthony It seems very appropriate to start with Susan B. Anthony. She was … Continued

Lenten Evening Prayer Group – March 2022

Lenten Evening Prayer Group on Tuesdays Beginning on Tuesday, March 8, you are invited to join this Lenten Evening Prayer Group on Zoom at 8:30 pm every Tuesday during Lent. Using a similar format to the ongoing Wednesday Morning Prayer Group, this group is open to all and will meet weekly on Zoom for an … Continued

Universal Human Rights

Human Rights Day is celebrated every year on December 10. It commemorates the day in 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This historic document reflects the well-established and honored ideas of ”inalienable rights which everyone is entitled to as a human being – regardless of race, colour, … Continued

Garden Blog – Update October 2021

By Karen Brewer Fall is finally here. That means it’s time to dig sweet potatoes. The children in Sunday School learned about how Jesus fed a large crowd with only few fish and some bread.  Then they learned how they can help feed our neighbors with sweet potatoes. Yea, they got their hands dirty, but … Continued

Garden Blog – Update August 2021

By Karen Brewer As summer winds down, this writer/gardener takes time to reflect on this year’s mission garden including its successes and failures. Among the successes, we were able to harvest and donate a lot of lettuce, broccoli, and cucumbers from our early plantings.  Also, we harvested and donated quite a few green beans and … Continued