Greystone is located on a ten-acre, wooded site in north Raleigh. Our family-friendly facilities include picnic tables under the pines, a baseball/soccer field, and covered breezeways. This retreat-like setting offers a spot of beauty and repose where children, students, and adults will find many opportunities to learn and grow in the Christian faith. While there are many ministries and activities within our walls and premises, our mission is also to share the Christian message outside our walls. We hope you will come see our campus and join us for worship.
Greystone gathers for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30 am. Worship at Greystone is contextual with both traditional and contemporary elements emphasizing a genuine, participatory, and authentic experience of worship which is inclusive of all ages. We feel that intergenerational worship strengthens us as we learn from each other in all stages of life. Worship that is inclusive and participatory in nature helps us to know God and seek God as we learn and grow together.
Greystone Baptist Church Covenant
As a fellowship of Christians, we solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.
We promise through the help of God’s Spirit to work together in Christian love for the growth of this church in holiness, in knowledge, and in mission; to sustain its worship and ministries by our participation, to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the financial support of this church and through it to the community and the world.
We further agree to care for each other in joys and in sorrows, to sustain each other through prayer and deeds of kindness.
As individuals we promise to be Christians wherever we are, living according to the ethics of Jesus as determined through public worship and private devotion.
We agree that when we can no longer maintain the spirit of this covenant or when we have moved from the area, we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church.
“And may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make us perfect in every good work, to do His will, working in us that which is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ to whom be glory, forever and ever. Amen.”
The Symbols in our Sanctuary
Colors—Purple stands for the royalty and passion of Christ; the blue stands for hope; the earth tones call us to the remembrance of the earth and environment, gifts of God entrusted to us.
The Chancel—Forming a visual cross (with table and baptistry as vertical post and the lectern and pulpit as the horizontal post), the chancel forms the sign of the cross. The lectern holds the Bible and reminds us of the importance of the Scriptures. The pulpit reminds us of the importance of proclamation. The two ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s Supper, call us to always remember that we follow Christ in obedience.
Stone and Wood—The many stones remind us that we are “living stones” that make up the Church. The wood reminds us of over 300 references in the Bible to trees or wood. Jesus used the example of fruit bearing trees.
Crosses—The 605 wood panel crosses behind the choir loft are hand-made. The crosses represent the membership of the Church at the time of construction (April, 2003).
Greystone Baptist Church partners with various Baptist groups and other agencies who share our beliefs about missions and ministry. We collaborate for mission and ministry with eight local Raleigh relief agencies, in addition to close ties with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and mission partnerships such as the Arkansas Delta Project and the Village of Hope Children’s Home in Kiev.
- Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina
- Cooperative Baptist Fellowship – National
- Raleigh Baptist Association
Our Deacons
The diaconate of Greystone Baptist Church is a body of deacons who are called and ordained by the church to minister to the needs of the congregation and to lead the church in its ministry through service. Each year, six men and women elected by the church rotate into the diaconate for a three-year term of service. There are 18 active deacons serving at any one time. Both women and men have served as deacons at Greystone since it was chartered in 1983.