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Sexuality, Gender, & Faith: What and Why?

By Chrissy Tatum Williamson What:  Sexuality, Gender, and Faith is a seven-month series, crafted with the people of Greystone Baptist Church in mind. In broad strokes, it is a series of large group, lecture-style education forums  and small group conversations. With three sessions in the fall and four in the winter/spring, we will journey together … Continued

Finding Wonder on the Water

By Chrissy Tatum Williamson I used to be afraid of thunderstorms. When I say “used to” I’m not talking about when I was a small child. No, I mean well into my twenties. Okay, who am I kidding, I still don’t like them very much. April will vouch for this when I also say, I’m … Continued

OGM: A Place of Welcome

By April Alston It was the summer of 2001 when I got the opportunity to travel to Thailand to meet and work with Rick and Ellen Burnette, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) Field Personnel. I heard about them years earlier when my mom saw them commissioned at the annual CBF meeting. Their work in Thailand had … Continued

OGM: A Community Built on Action

By David Cross The summer of 2017 was a pivitol time for me. I had just finished my second year of college, still figuring out life as a young person (that aspect hasn’t really changed), my faith began to really develop, and I started working for PASSPORT Camps as a Bible Study Leader (BSL) at … Continued

Deacon Nominations 2023

Annually, in accordance with the Bylaws of our Church Constitution, church members elect six members of the congregation to serve as Deacons for a three-year term. Adult men and women (18 years or older) may be nominated by the membership, provided the nominees have agreed to have their names put forth. This year, nominations will … Continued

Spirit of Justice: Housing and Hospitality

By Bill Baxley Imagine for a moment that you lived in another country and your country was under threat of war and your family’s well-being was being threatened. You decided to leave your war-torn land in hopes of finding a better future for your children, your spouse and yourself. You succeed in gaining legal entry … Continued

Spirit of Justice: World Water Day, 3/22/23

By Christian McIvor You may not have noticed it, but the world is deep in the throes of a water crisis.  Globally, over 2.2 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water services and over half of the world’s population (4.2 billion) lack safely managed sanitation services.  This leads to the deaths of almost … Continued