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Universal Human Rights

Human Rights Day is celebrated every year on December 10. It commemorates the day in 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This historic document reflects the well-established and honored ideas of ”inalienable rights which everyone is entitled to as a human being – regardless of race, colour, … Continued

Garden Blog – Update October 2021

By Karen Brewer Fall is finally here. That means it’s time to dig sweet potatoes. The children in Sunday School learned about how Jesus fed a large crowd with only few fish and some bread.  Then they learned how they can help feed our neighbors with sweet potatoes. Yea, they got their hands dirty, but … Continued

Garden Blog – Update August 2021

By Karen Brewer As summer winds down, this writer/gardener takes time to reflect on this year’s mission garden including its successes and failures. Among the successes, we were able to harvest and donate a lot of lettuce, broccoli, and cucumbers from our early plantings.  Also, we harvested and donated quite a few green beans and … Continued

Garden Blog – Update July 2021

Update from Marcia Ostendorff: Pollinators, carpenter bees, and bumble bees, are helping out in the Greystone Gardens. The rabbits and deer are just helping themselves!!Good-bye green tomatoes and sweet potato vines. They left enough of the plants to keep going and give a little hope for more veggies later. The beans are blooming and, so … Continued

Ministry Design – A Conference for Churches

Saturday, 2/20/2021 10:00 am – 11:00 am We are grateful to The Barnabas Partnership and CBFNC for sponsoring this conference offering a selection of ministry topics designed to help you make sense of, and find opportunity in, today’s world. All are invited to participate. The Seminar topics are listed below and Zoom links for each … Continued

Advent at Greystone

We hope that you will join us in our celebration of Jesus’ birth which offers light to a weary world caught up in darkness. Greystone has many seasonal traditions that our community has grown to love and expect each year. This year those events may look a little different due to Covid-19, but we are … Continued

Welcome to the Start of Spring!

Welcome to the start of spring! No, I haven’t completely lost my mind or my calendar. It’s just that I realized now is the time for tulips. Now is the time to put the bulbs in the ground. You see those first harbingers of new life and sunny days need to spend some time in … Continued

The Stockdale Paradox meets Thanksgiving 2020

Admiral James Stockdale was held for seven years in a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp. He survived unspeakable brutality and lived all of those years not knowing if or when he might be killed. When interviewed by Jim Collins in Good to Great, Stockdale shared the key to his survival: I never doubted not only that I … Continued

Consider the Lilies

On Monday a group of moms in North Raleigh sent their children to school for the first time in 8 months. These women and countless other parents faced the morning bus stop with a load of anxiety: a very real disease on the loose, regular first day of school jitters, their children’s development in a … Continued