You’ve heard me talk about it at Leadership Council and other ministry and committee meetings the last couple of months, and I’m excited the time has arrived! Our three-week series on creation care begins May 8. We’re calling it Here On Earth, which is a line we borrowed from Christian’s original song, Earth Beloved Community.
Each week, during the Here On Earth series, we will be reflecting on God’s words about our relationship with the earth, given to us in scripture. Throughout the series, we are working with a Duke Master’s student who is studying sermons on creation care. He will be collecting information from congregants about their responses to the sermons given during this series. The survey will be available online (church email and a QR code in the bulletin) and on paper (available in the back of the sanctuary). If you are able to attend any of these services, we would appreciate your feedback! This is one small way we can support a new generation of ministers and faith leaders. Thank you in advance for your eager participation! I look forward to what God might have in store for us as we explore this theme together… here on earth.
-Pastor Chrissy