Dates: Friday, February 14-Sunday, February 16, 2024
Location: Host Homes in Raleigh and GBC Campus
Cost: $25 per youth (scholarships are available at request)
Our winter retreat will be a local Disciple Now weekend in Raleigh! Everyone will stay in host homes of church members and we will have other activities (small groups, missions, worship, games, etc.) at the church and around Raleigh.
Our theme for the retreat is “Faith in an Anxious World.” We want to propel our students toward a deeper understanding of Christ—one in which he becomes to them not simply a teacher and miracle worker, but a living, breathing example of the wholeness we can experience in our daily walk with God. Over the weekend, we will talk about anxiety, delve into stories throughout the Bible where God enters into an anxious situation and uses it to nurture growth, and discover spiritual practices we can use to look to God as they navigate daily life. We will discuss the importance of surrounding ourselves with safe people and trusted adults, asking for help, and seeking other resources for our mental health and well being.
All youth 6th-12th are invited, including friends who aren’t church members. Please sign up and make your payment by February 1.