Christianity is not religion. Christianity is not religion because, at its core, the Christian faith is not about the individual and their efforts to reach something beyond themselves. Those tireless, fruitless efforts to get a handle on the key to life, to plug into power, to find a program that leads to meaning, self-esteem, happiness or whatever it is a person is seeking that is beyond them; all of that is religion.
The Christian faith is about the gift and realization that there is nothing you can possibly do that will get you closer to God. All our priestly efforts lead to failure. Only the High Priest, only the life and death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ brings us closer to God.
When we accept that, we are able to breathe a sigh of relief and choose to worship the God who gives us that good gift. Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is the end of religion. And where religion ends, worship begins.
I’d like to challenge you to a three-month commitment of weekly worship. Commit to being here at Greystone from now until the end of February. Come to worship, but come openly; come expecting to meet Jesus Christ our high priest. Come honestly seeking the touch of God’s love. Come with a waiting heart. Come not seeking to practice religion. Come because you know the work has already been done for you. Come ready to rest in the grace and mercy of God’s religion ending love. Come give weekly worship a chance to work its blessing in your life.
If you already plan on being at worship on Sundays, think about someone you know who is, has been or needs to be a part of worship here at Greystone. Invite them to join you in this challenge. Tell them Greystone has put a “Gone out of the Religion Business” sign on our front door. Invite them to quit religion and give worship a try.
See you this Sunday and beyond!