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Rise Against Hunger – September 22, 2024

Rise Against Hunger, an international humanitarian organization, is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives, and responding to emergencies. Through a global network based in the U.S. and with six international offices, the organization provides immediate nourishment for those facing hunger today and implements sustainable solutions that will lift entire communities for years to come. Rise Against Unger has facilitated volunteer meal packaging of more than 600 million meals to be distributed to countries around the world.

This year’s meal packaging event at Greystone will be on Sunday, September 22. We will gather at 10:00 am for a short worship service and then will head to the Fellowship Hall together to pack 20,000 meals from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm. These meals are distributed in schools so that children can have at least one meal a day.

Children 4 and up can participate, and childcare will be provided for younger ages. We encourage you to wear closed-toe shoes and comfortable clothing.

What a great opportunity for everyone at Greystone to help children around the world! Let’s do this Greystone!