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Sermon Series: Talkin’ About My Generation

The scripture reading for today (Matthew 11: 16-19, 25-30) opens with the question “To what shall I compare this generation?” It reminded us of the ways that we like to criticize members of other generations from our own saying things like: They’re afraid of change. Or They’re too young to understand, give them 20 years and they’ll see it the way I do… In this season of pandemic and social uncertainty there are so many reasons to divide ourselves up into groups of similarity. While the church is not yet gathered in person, it is natural for generational gaps to grow. So, in order to have an intergenerational approach to today’s sermon, Pastor Chrissy sat down with Roger Nix and Laura Nelson. Listen in, we think you might enjoy what they have to say!

Sermon Series: Open Our Eyes

Good morning and welcome to worship this first Sunday of July! As is our custom, on this first Sunday of the month we will engage in the practice of communion. If you haven’t yet, gather some elements from your kitchen and bring them into your worship space so you will be ready to share in this sacred meal as you worship this morning. In the video, you’ll see that Pastor Chrissy uses water and bread today, rather than using the juice that we would normally use at church. The water reminds us of Hagar’s journey into the wilderness, the water she took with her and the well that God provides when her provisions run out. How is God providing in our own times of thirst?

Sermon Series: God Chooses First

We are so glad you’re here. Today’s scripture readings reorient our focus to the edges and margins of society. In the most surprising of places from the most astonishing people, God’s word rings forth. Our hope is to greet the messengers of God with welcome and to create a space for even the most outlandish choices of God to grow and thrive and flourish. Let us listen for a word even today.

Sermon Series: When all you can do is Laugh

Today’s scripture reading from Genesis takes us to the Oaks of Mamre. Abraham welcomes three visitors, and Sarah can’t help but laugh. They have been waiting for this moment for a long, long time, but when the time finally comes will they be found ready? Let’s consider our own times of waiting and how we are being prepared to answer one of the great questions of our faith.

Sermon Series: The Gospel According to the Compost Pile

We are so glad you’re here. Today’s Gospel reading reminds us that no matter how careful we are in planting and caring for our gardens surprises always spring up. Then what? Do we leave it, or do we pull it up and perhaps damage the other plants? Let’s consider this text together and listen for the soft voice of the Spirit. Indeed, the Spirit might just be saying “Wait and See”.

Sermon Series: Go Therefore!

We are so glad you’re here. This morning you are in for a treat as many of the elements of the service are created and led by our graduates! That’s right; it’s Graduate Recognition Sunday! Today’s Gospel reading fits the theme of graduation quite nicely as it tells the story of Jesus commissioning the disciples. Like today, the commissioning in Matthew 28 didn’t happen exactly like the disciples might have imagined. Like us, they found themselves embracing their calling to go out into the world in a very uncertain time. Perhaps they felt unprepared? Perhaps they were afraid? Perhaps they wished things could be different? Still, Jesus commissioned them to Go! How will we respond to a similar calling?

Sermon Series: Be Not Afraid… Easy For You To Say!

Guest Proclaimer: Randy Ashcraft

Today we celebrate Pentecost, which is known by many as the birthday of the church. It all started when the disciples had gathered in a room with closed doors. They were afraid because their world had been turned upside down following the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Luckily, the Pentecost story does not end there. The birth of the church isn’t characterized by fear. Rather, the Holy Spirit burst into the room and called those fearful disciples to move beyond their fear and to create something new. This is certainly a season of fear for so many – perhaps even for us. So I wonder, could it also be a time for us to expect that same Holy Spirit might just be up to something new?

As we prepare for worship, our prayer might be that God open our hearts to the movement of the Holy Spirit in us, around us, and among us, casting out our fear and giving us a spirit of hope and courage.