Missions, both local and global, are at the heart of Greystone’s purpose. Through our support of Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, CBF-North Carolina, Raleigh Baptist Association and various other local agencies, we are empowered to share God’s love both here at home and abroad.
Alliance Medical Ministry
Alliance Medical Ministry is a faith-led medical ministry serving the uninsured working poor in need of affordable care. They provide continuity of care which leads to fewer ER visits and better health outcomes. Staff and volunteers provide primary and specialty care, pharmacy services, free screenings, health classes, and partners with Interfaith Food Shuttle on their garden which provides free produce to patients. GBC members have provided medical providers, help with fundraising events, building updates and garden maintenance.

Buddy Break!

Buddy Break is a FREE Parents’ Day Out/respite program where kids with all types of special needs (VIP kids) have FUN while their parents get a BREAK. At Buddy Break, VIP kids and their siblings make new friends, play games, do crafts, hear children’s stories, enjoy music, and more!
CBF Together for Hope
Launched in 2001 by CBF Global, Together for Hope (TFH) is a long-term commitment to working with people in 20 of the nation’s poorest counties in order to affect change and break the cycle of economic disparity. The hope is that communities will be transformed as will the churches and individuals who serve in these focal counties. This summer we will once again send a mission team to Helena-West Helena, Arkansas as part of the All Church Challenge. We will work with CBF field personnel, to provide a camp for children and home repairs for those in need.

Cedar Point Ministries & ESL
The Cedar Point apartments in North Raleigh are home to refugees from all over the world. We are able to serve the community of refugees in many ways: tutoring the children, providing basic needs, transporting them to and from medical appointments and helping them adapt to a new culture. It’s our joy to minister the love of Christ in our relationship with these friends. Greystone Baptist Church is a proud partner of Cedar Point Ministries.

The Clothing Ministry of First Baptist Church
The Clothing Ministry of First Baptist Church began in 1983 as an expression of the church’s concern for our neighbors in need. This ministry is a volunteer-run, church and community supported organization whose goal is to provide clothing for individuals and families experiencing financial difficulties. The Clothing Ministry strives to provide adequate clothing for families, homeless persons, those in transition — either from relocation or re-entry into the workforce — or any persons with an identifiable need. The Clothing Ministry also offers each volunteer the opportunity to serve … giving and receiving blessings out of the abundant love by which Christ has loved us.
The purpose of this ministry is to show God’s love and care to all who come to the church’s door. The Clothing Ministry is open on Mondays from 10am – 12pm (except for holidays and inclement weather). Each guest is able to receive a basket of clothing of their choosing, along with a new pair of socks and underwear for themselves and members of their family. Clothing is offered for men, women, and children, and inventory availability is based on community donations, so some supplies are limited accordingly. Each week 60-80 members of our community shop for 120-140 family members. Greystone partners with the clothing ministry by collecting new and gently used clothing for men, women and children in the bins on the covered walkway at the preschool area. We also have church members who volunteer to help organize and sort donated clothing.

Construction Ministry
Disaster Relief after Hurricane Matthew in Lumberton, NC

Habitat for Humanity
Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope. Our vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Since 1985, Habitat Wake has partnered with more than 600 families, donors and volunteers to build safe, affordable, energy-efficient homes in all parts of Wake County.
Inter-Faith Food Shuttle
Inter-Faith Food Shuttle has a calling to recover good food that would otherwise go to waste and get it to hungry people. By these efforts we can help people from being hungry today. Greystone donates food left over from our fellowship meals each week to Interfaith Food Shuttle to be used at homeless shelters and other places in need. Other programs include Back-Pack Buddies, providing healthy food to children on weekends and a Culinary Job Training program.
Kid’s Mission Garden
Since being established in 2015, our church garden has grown produce for North Raleigh Ministries. For the past two years, it has been maintained mainly by the children involved in Wednesday night missions. They have enjoyed planting seeds, tending the garden, and harvesting the produce. We have produced vegetables in the spring, summer, and fall planting seasons. We have recently expanded our garden to include a compost area as well. In addition, we have a new bed which is in a better position to grow beautiful, luscious tomatoes!

Meals on Wheels
The Meals on Wheels Association of America (MOWAA) is the oldest and largest organization in the the United States representing those who provide meal services to people in need. MOWAA works toward the social, physical, nutritional, and economic betterment of vulnerable Americans. Several of our members are active volunteers with this organization, delivering meals to those who are homebound, providing not just a meal but fellowship as well.
NeighborHealth’s mission is serving Christ by loving our neighbors through the practice of excellent, compassionate and accessible healthcare. The founding board of NeighborHealth was formed to address the growing number of people in Wake County without access to healthcare. The board assessed existing healthcare resources and identified gaps; met with residents, healthcare providers, community and government organizations; and connected with successful faith-based health centers throughout the country. Greystone Baptist Church is a proud partner of NeighborHealth.
Raleigh Baptist Association
The Raleigh Baptist Association is a fellowship of congregations committed to joining God where He is at work in our world through the intentional pursuit of a future for every church and a church for every person. Linking the Great Commission to Church Mission for Kingdom Growth. Matthew 28: 19-20. Greystone Baptist Church is a proud member of the Raleigh Baptist Association.
Raleigh Rescue Mission
Through the love of Jesus Christ, Raleigh Rescue Mission transforms lives of men, women and children by ministering to their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Help for homeless families. Safe sanctuary from the street. Help for addicted adults: beginning their journey toward recovery. Help for unemployed adults – providing marketable skills so they can find good jobs. Yearly helps more than 6000 people in meaningful and Godly ways.
Read and Feed
Rise Against Hunger
Rise Against Hunger is driven by the vision of a world without hunger. Our mission is to end hunger in our lifetime by providing food and life-changing aid to the world’s most vulnerable and creating a global commitment to mobilize the necessary resources. Our organization’s approach to ending hunger centers on mobilizing a global network of hunger champions. Rise Against Hunger meal packaging volunteers produce millions of nutritious meals annually that are then distributed to partners in countries around the world. Greystone Baptist Church is a proud partner of Rise Against Hunger.
SECU Family House
Grace Fellowship began our support of the SECU House shortly after the passing of Skip Peterson in 2012. In addition to providing dinner for 40+ patients and family members every other month, we bring God’s grace and love to these people. Our class has provided over 1500 meals and are proud supporters of the SECU Family House.
SECU Family House UNC Hospitals is a safe, nurturing, affordable home for patients and their loved ones who travel great distances to UNC Hospitals for life-saving procedures and serious illnesses.
We provide guests lodging, meals, supportive programs, transportation and a caring support network. SECU Family House has served more than 23,000 families from 44 other states, and 7 foreign countries helping them rest, heal, and gather strength when they need it most.

Urban Ministries of Wake County
Urban Ministries of Wake County’s mission is to engage our community to serve and advocate on behalf of those affected by poverty by providing food and nutrition, promoting health and wellness, and by laying the foundations of home. Since 1981, Urban Ministries of Wake County has responded to our neighbors in crisis by providing basic needs – food, medicine and shelter.
Wyatt Ministries Welcome House
Kim and Marc Wyatt are Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Missions Field Personnel. In this ever changing day of global migration the new ‘foreign mission field’ really is our own home town. The Wyatt’s Ministry seeks to empower the Kingdom efforts of churches, mission organizations and individuals reaching out to refugees, immigrants, international students, visiting scholars and their families and those unfortunately caught in modern day slavery – the trafficked. Greystone Baptist Church is proud to partner with Kim and Marc in an effort to “be good neighbors” to folks in our community who are coming to the Triangle from foreign countries.