Maundy Thursday Dinner and Communion
There are no Wednesday Night Live activities this week, but we invite you to join us this Thursday, April 18 for dinner and communion as we celebrate and remember Maundy Thursday. For dinner we will offer homemade lasagna. Make a reservation by tomorrow (4/15) before noon. Adults are only $5!
Easter Sunday, April 21 – Easter Flowering Cross
Next Sunday, we encourage everyone to bring flowers and greenery to church to help us flower our Easter cross. We welcome outdoor flowers (azaleas, dogwood stems, tulips, etc.) in addition to purchased cut flowers. In celebration of Christ’s triumph over death, we will use these items to cover the single wire cross which will be located in the sanctuary (and not outside this year). Flowers may be placed on the cross before and after each worship service, all morning long. Please help to make this one of the most beautiful crosses ever and a magnificent centerpiece in our Easter worship service!
Hallelujah Chorus on Easter Sunday
It has become a tradition at GBC the past few years and this Easter Sunday, 4/21, we are again inviting EVERYONE who is interested to come to the platform at the end of our service to sing the second half of the Hallelujah Chorus. Come and be a part of the Mass Choir on Easter Sunday! We’ll provide song sheets as you come to the platform that morning.