What time is Worship?
Worship begins at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary. We are currently offering a Coffee Fellowship Time beginning at 9:30 am in the hallway outside of the Sanctuary. Come join us for coffee and then time of gathering music before worship, beginning at 9:45 am.
What should I expect?
Dress comfortably. On a given Sunday, you will see a wide range of attire, from jeans to suits and dresses. Don’t worry about what you wear – just come prepared for a meaningful time of worship and fellowship.
What to Bring
Bring your fears, your doubts, your joys, and your sorrows. Also, bring an openness to find new friends, to strengthen your faith, and to be challenged in your understanding of the Christian life and all that means in a changing world!
See our Worship page for more detailed information.
What about Bible Study?
Our Sunday morning Bible Study is held at 11:00 am for children, youth, and adults. See each webpage for more information about the individual ministry areas.
How do I become a member?
Each Sunday our ministers extend an invitation for newcomers to come forward during a time of response to be presented to the Church for membership. We welcome new members in one of the following ways:
- By profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and subsequent baptism
- By transfer of current membership from another Baptist church
- By reaffirmation of Christian experience and transfer of membership from a church of another denomination.
* Exceptions will be considered by the pastor and church diaconate to be approved in church conference
Our pastor or staff would be pleased to meet with anyone interested in joining our church family.
If you have a question that was not answered here, please contact our office at 919-847-1333 or by email at: office@greystonechurch.org