From Pastor Chrissy
How are questions, struggles, and doubts about faith handled in our church?
This is one of the questions posed at a recent Wednesday night, Growing Young discussion. The conversation that ensued meandered through all the small group, Bible study, and relational aspects of the church. In the context of those close relationships, we can be honest and real about our questions, our struggles, and our doubts. But as a whole church, we don’t always tend to these integral pieces of our faith journey…until now. This Lent we are going to focus on questions.
What voices are we listening to? What if we mess up? Can we start over? What are we
longing for? Is there any hope for the living water Jesus talks about? Why is there so much suffering in this world? Where is God? Has God forgotten us… turned away from us… left
us to fend for ourselves? Where can we find God now? Who is God calling us to become?
What do we need to let go of in order to become that new creation?
These are the kinds of questions that will guide our lenten journey this year. Which ones resonate with you?
Maybe these are the questions that you are wrestling with; or maybe you have others. Questions, doubts, and struggles are all part of a mature and growing faith.This is one of the reasons I am so excited about our lenten theme called, Seeking: Honest Questions for a Deeper Faith.
Included in our lenten email, you will find a wealth of resources for personal and small group study. Yes, the daily prayer cards are back! In addition to the items described and included here, the ministerial team and I are working hard to offer innovative and interactive moments in each worship service. These are designed to invite you more deeply into the questions. Not a single one of us has all the answers, God’s mystery is too big for that. But together, in this season of lent, we will explore, wonder, and seek together.