Join us in-person or online for our Advent Wednesday Night Series, “Birth Narratives”.
A warm meal will be served 5:15-5:45 p.m. and the series will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Shepherds, Angels, and Magi all guide our way to the manger each year in the season of Advent. They frequent our mantles and side tables in the form of nativity sets in the weeks between Thanksgiving and Epiphany (maybe longer for some of us). As well as we know these stories, how well to we actually know the Gospels from which they come? Which Gospel mentions shepherds? Which mentions the magi? Aren’t they all the same? What do we make of the differences between the stories? Let’s take a closer look at the Birth Narratives in Matthew, Mark, and Luke so we can expand our knowledge and grow in faith together, this season of incarnation.
Meeting ID: 861 5696 3124 Passcode: 596479 Call-In Number: 1 929 205 6099