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Children’s Nativity – December 24, 2023

Sunday, December 24 during Worship at 10:00 am Our children will help lead worship by participating in an impromptu nativity pageant. It is always a joy to see our children bring the story of Christ’s birth to life. Children will need to arrive at 9:00 am in the Sanctuary for rehearsal before worship at 10:00 am.

How Does a Weary World Rejoice?

By Chrissy Tatum Williamson How does a weary world rejoice?  It must have been early June when the staff began planning the 2023 Advent season. We shared some possible series themes with the Adult Christian Education Committee (now called the Adult Faith Formation Council) and prayed for wisdom in discerning which themes might speak to … Continued

Gift of Time: Parents’ Morning Out – December 9, 2023

On Saturday December 9 from 9am-12pm we will host “Gift of Time: Parents’ Morning Out”. Church volunteers along with some of our Weekday Preschool teachers will be here leading your children in crafts, games, music and more. Babies through pre-K must be affiliated with Greystone through either the church or preschool. Children in K-5th grade are … Continued

Youth Christmas Party – December 3, 2023

This year’s Youth Christmas Party is Sunday, December 3 from 5:00-7:30pm in the Youth Building. Wear your favorite Christmas costume and join us for a time of food, Christmas games, and a White Elephant Gift Exchange ($10 limit) of course. Adults, if you can volunteer your time or bring a food item, please sign up HERE by … Continued

Sounds of the Season Concert – December 17, 2023

Join us on Sunday, December 17 at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary for our “Sounds of the Season” Christmas concert! The concert will feature our Adult Choir performing Pepper Choplin’s best-selling cantata, Night of the Father’s Love, as well as works by celebrated choral composers Dan Forrest and Elaine Hagenberg.  Prelude music will be performed by Greystone’s Handbell Choir and instrumentalists.  Enjoy listening to a fresh musical take … Continued

Christmas at Meymandi, Night of the Father’s Love – December 10, 2023

On December 10 at 7:00pm, a mass choir including several of our Greystone singers and members from 9 other Triangle-area churches will perform Pepper Choplin’s bestselling cantata, Night of the Father’s Love, at Meymandi Concert Hall in downtown Raleigh.  The concert will include a Christmas carol sing and an opening performance by Degrees of Brass.  Tickets can be purchased … Continued

Vienna Light Orchestra – December 12, 2023

On December 12 the Vienna Light Orchestra is performing at Greystone for part of their 2023 Christmas Tour. To learn more about the Orchestra, visit their website here. Greystone is not hosting or sponsoring the event, but we have rented the space to them for this extraordinary event. We wanted you to hear about the event from … Continued

Youth Gratitude Dinner – November 19, 2023

All youth (6th-12th grade) are invited to join us on Sunday, November 19 from 6:00-7:30pm for our Youth Gratitude Dinner during Sunday Night Discipleship! We will have a Friendsgiving potluck meal, so sign up and please bring a dish to share if you can. During this time, we’ll also engage in gratitude practices together during this season … Continued