We hope that you will join us in our celebration of Jesus’ birth which offers light to a weary world caught up in darkness. Greystone has many seasonal traditions that our community has grown to love and expect each year. This year those events may look a little different due to Covid-19, but we are celebrating even still. Here are a few ways for you to join in the celebration:
Virtual Lessons and Carols: For the entire month of December we are posting live music and devotions each Wednesday and Sunday on our social media channels. You can find us on Facebook and Instagram.
Sunday Morning Worship: We are gathering virtually every week to light our Advent candles, sing carols and hear the story of Jesus coming to earth and into our lives. You can find our weekly worship service on YouTube.
Living Nativity (drive-in): Wednesday, December 16 in the parking lot off Lead Mine Road. Showings at 6:30 pm and 7:00 pm. Stay in your car and listen over your radio (90.3 FM) as our actors share the Christmas Story. For decades Greystone has been offering this production to the community. This year instead of standing on the corner, we hope that you will drive on over with your family.
Longest Night Service: Sunday, December 20 on Zoom. We will gather virtually at 7:00 pm to attend to the loss and grief of this year. This service will reflect on the Advent themes of hope, peace, joy and love. Our hope is to remember that the light of God’s love remains constant even in the darkness of pain and loss. Especially this year, there is much to grieve. We gather to hold out a bit of light which shines even brighter in the darkness. Please contact the church office for the Zoom invitation.
Christmas Eve Service: Thursday, December 24 at 5:30 pm. This year we will offer an outdoor worship service. You may bring a chair and sit outside, socially distanced or remain in your car and listen to the service over the radio (90.3 FM). We will gather in the parking lot off of Sawmill Road for a service of candlelight and joy.