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We have several different groups that meet every Sunday morning from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. All of these groups would love to have you join them. Each class has a different flavor and personality, but in all of them you will find faithful friends who are serious about living out the call of Jesus. These classes celebrate learning together, laughing together, and praying together. There is a place at the table waiting just for you (and if you want – bring a friend!). If you would like to join a Bible study group, please use the contact information listed for each class. Some are meeting in-person and others are meeting digitally.

Salt and Light

Current Study: The Book of Exodus: Liberated for Life in Covenant with God
Who to contact for meeting information: Carla Lenoir

The Edge (Hybrid)

Current Study:  The Women of Easter by Liz Curtis Higgs 
Who to contact for meeting information: Jerry Chiles

Grace Fellowship

Current Study: Smyth & Helwys – Faith Formations
Who to contact for meeting information: Pam Ouzts

Insights (Hybrid)

Current Study: Romans for Normal People by J. R. Daniel Kirk
Who to contact for meeting information: Brian Perkinson or Sandra Hunt

Faith in Connections

Current Study: Rotating Monthly
Who to contact for meeting information: Berno Kleinhans and Johnathan Eshleman

Women’s Fellowship

Current Study: Connections
Who to contact for meeting information: Ginny Liverance

LIFT (Learning in Faith Together)

Current Study: Women in the Bible
Who to contact for meeting information: Trish Boone