In this episode of The Living Stone, pastors Anna Beth Cross and Chrissy Tatum Williamson continue our podcast series for Lent, Honest Questions.
This week, Anna Beth and Chrissy ask two honest questions: Who is God? And who are we? These questions are expanded by asking: what is the nature of God and humanity in relationship with one another? Knowing this question is two-fold, this discussion breaks down some thoughts about both God and humanity based on scripture and theologies that have emerged throughout Christian history.
Theologians Referenced:
Systematic Theology: Karl Barth, Paul Tillich, John Calvin, John Wesley
Process Theology: Alfred North Whitehead, Charles Hartshorne, John Cobb, Eugene Peters, Catherine Keller, Marjorie Suhocki
Liberation Theology: James Cone, Miguel De La Torre (Latin American)
Womanist Theology: Eboni Marshall Turman
Feminist Theology: Elizabeth Johnson