Prayer-full Practices: Lenten Wednesday Night Series
The ministerial staff team is excited to lead us through four different kinds of prayer. As we explore God’s abundance in our lives, it is important to stretch ourselves to listen and speak to God in an abundance of ways. To that end, each minister will guide us through one kind of prayer each Wednesday night of the Prayer-full Practices series. Here’s a glimpse of what we have in store!
(Please note: all gatherings are planned as in-person with an online option via Zoom. They will be held in the Fellowship Hall, on the following dates, from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.)
- March 16: Praying with Scripture, Pastor Chrissy
- March 23: Visio-Divina, Pastor Anna Beth
- March 30: Taize, Pastor Christian
- April 6: Artful Prayer, Pastor April