We worship every Sunday morning at 10:00 am in person in our Sanctuary and digitally through our livestream.
Worship at Greystone is a time for our community to gather, to experience the revelation and mystery of God, to praise and give thanks to God, to listen to and offer our selves in service to God. In worship…
- We celebrate the acts of God as Creator, incarnate Christ, and Holy Spirit
- We encounter and experience God through dialogue—acts of worship that include words, songs, prayers, scripture, creative arts and proclamation
- We are awed by the mystery and holiness of God, and are humbled to quiet reflection, listening for God’s words for our lives
- We respond in faith, departing to serve—to be the hands and feet of God’s love in our world as a community of faith
- We share the peace with each other, having experienced the presence of God individually and corporately.
What is worship like at Greystone?
We strive for worship to have an “all in” approach.
- Invitational- regularly inviting all worshippers to participate
- Inclusive- welcoming all who would like to participate, of any ability level
- Integral- to the life of a vibrant faith
- Inspirational- providing worship experiences where the movement of the Holy Spirit is tangible
- Innovative- constantly looking for new, impactful ways to experience and worship God