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2018 Deacon Nomination Process

The Greystone Deacon Election Process

Annually, in accordance with the Bylaws of our Church Constitution, church members elect six members of the congregation to serve as Deacons for a three-year term. Adult men and women (18 years or older) may be nominated by the membership, provided the nominees have agreed to have their name put forth.

This year, nominations will be accepted through May 13th. Nomination forms are available in the church office. Based on these nominations and its own deliberations, the Deacon Nominating Team then develops a list of qualified candidates to be contacted. This contact provides an opportunity for the ones nominated to ask questions about the nature of the office of Deacon, the work and level of commitment that is expected, and to hear the nominee’s final decision to serve. When the required six nominees have indicated that they are willing to serve, the names are presented to the congregation for election and affirmation by secret ballot during worship services.

Please prayerfully consider your responsibility as a faithful member to seek out those worthy of service in this ministry and then place their names on a form for consideration. Completed nomination forms should be placed in the box on the usher’s table at the rear of the sanctuary or in the drop box on the wall outside the church office.

The following people are ineligible to be elected this year:

Rotated off in 2017: Bill Baxley, Jeb Brookshire, Louise Estes, Donnie Moorefield, Angela Rose, Becky Sansbury

Rotating off in 2018: David Ammons, Cathy Byman, Paul Hansen, Nell Panten, Jill Pike, Jennifer Walker

Continuing to Serve: Ernest Carraway, Kerry Crabb, Kim Craig, Kim Eshleman, Marcia Ostendorff, Donna Tunstall, Patsy Chiles, Julia Glover, Chris King, Larry Moore, Amy Ng, Dustin Tuttle

 Deacon Nomination Form:

    For deacon, I nominate:

    I have notified the above person of my intention to nominate.


    Email Address:

    Please secure the permission of the person you nominate.